Daily News Center

Monday, July 20, 2015

Platinum asteroid potentially worth $5.4 trillion to pass Earth on Sunday

An asteroid believed to be carrying up to 90 million tons of platinum in its core, as well as other rare and precious materials, is about to swoosh past our planet. The news has left developers of asteroid-mining technologies intrigued.
The platinum-rich asteroid officially named 2011 UW158, is 452 meters by 1,011 meters in size and will pass Earth at a distance of an estimated 2.4 million kilometers, according to the Goldstone Radar Observatory. It will be 30 times closer to Earth than the closest planet of the Solar system.

Puerto Rico's Arecibo Observatory provides the first detailed images of Asteroid 2011 UW158 http://t.co/p6HJC9mdxCpic.twitter.com/wJZICJyzDC

— Puerto Rico (@PuertoRicoPUR) July 18, 2015

However, when the asteroid does pass, it will still be six times further away than the moon’s orbit, so it will be impossible to see 2011 UW158 with the naked eye.

If you don’t happen to own a telescope – fear not. The Slooh Community Observatory is undertaking a project, which links powerful telescopes to the internet for public use, will broadcast images of the mineral-rich asteroid, from an observatory in the Canary Islands.

It will be possible to watch 2011 UW158 LIVE at Slooh’s Live Stadium at 22:00 GMT on Sunday.


The proximity of asteroid’s orbit to Earth has already put it on the ‘wish list’ for future robotic mining missions. According to different estimates, it might contain ore of precious metals and other minerals worth from $300 billion, to an incredible $5.4 trillion.

The composition of asteroid 2011 UW158 has been established with the help of spectrometers measuring the intensity of light reflected from an object.

The broadcast from Slooh will include commentary from network’s host Eric Edelman and Slooh astronomer Bob Berman about the asteroid itself and the “lucrative material it harbors.”

“It's always fun when an asteroid whooshes past our world,” Berman said in a Slooh announcement. “What makes this unusual is the large amount of platinum believed to be lurking in the body of this space visitor. Can it be mined someday, perhaps not too far in the future?”


The so-called Planetary Resources group, an asteroid mining venture with financial backing from Google bosses Eric Schmidt and Larry Page, as well as British billionaire Richard Branson, defines asteroids like UW-158 as suitable for mining 'X-type,' having catalogued dozens of similar prospective targets across the solar system.

On Thursday, the company launched their first demonstration of the Arkyd 3 Reflight (A3R) vehicle from the International Space Station’s Kibo airlock - to test technologies for mining asteroids.

The vehicle was delivered to the ISS aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 in April. During its 90-day orbiting mission, the vehicle will be sending data to a group of scientists based at the firm’s headquarters in Redmond, WA.

Fallout 4 combat footage released

a new video showcasing the combat system of the upcoming Fallout 4.
Release date is set to November 10

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Our modern, urbanized lifestyle relegates most of us to a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting or working behind the computer is commonplace. While it is almost impossible to give up our jobs, there are ways in which we can incorporate exercise into our hectic schedules. If you live in an apartment, make the effort to walk your way up to your residence. If you take public transport to work, try alighting from the train or bus one stop earlier and walking the rest of the way. Take time off to exercise at least twice a week, 30 minutes each time. Vigorous exercise engages your cardiovascular muscles and improves blood circulation, reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

Our food intake today includes some form of processed food. Increased affluence has led to demand for better lifestyle and with it, food that looks appealing and tastes good. While it will be impossible to eradicate processed food altogether in your diet, try replacing some of it with fresh food. Replace sausages and bacon with fresh meat. Use natural seasoning like species and herbs instead of pre-packed condiments. If you need to snack, choose apple slices or cupped corn over potato chips. When eating out, ask for reduced salt or go salt-free. Cutting down on salt goes a long way towards giving yourself a healthier body.

Reduce Stress

We live in a competitive world. The pressure to perform both in the workplace and at home brings stress to us at a level never witnessed before. If you feel that you are burning out, drop your work and go for a walk. Take a stroll through the park or sit quietly by the beach. Breathe some fresh air. Find a moment of solitude and let your mind enjoy some peace, even for a short 30 minutes. Better still, set aside at least an hour every week to spend some quiet moments by yourself. Do not wait till the stress starts to build up. Prevention is better than cure.

Avoid Excessive Alcohol

Research has shown that excessive alcohol consumption has the effect of increasing your blood pressure level. In addition, alcohol contains calories, which leads to weight gain, one of the factors leading to high blood pressure. If you are a heavy drinker, aim to reduce your intake gradually over time. If you must drink at social functions, limit yourself to just one or two drinks. Having less alcohol cleanses your system and puts your body on a path towards normalcy.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the foremost contributors towards the increase of blood pressure. Smoking increases your blood pressure temporarily but instantly. Frequent smoking increases the frequency of increased blood pressure and the long-term effects of such temporary blood pressure increases cannot be ignored. Aim to quit smoking over time. Reduce your number of cigarettes gradually till you have quit totally. There is another benefit to be enjoyed: The gradual absence of nicotine also reduces your chances of getting narrow arteries and hardened artery walls, two major factors leading to blood clot, which in turn causes heart attack or stroke.


In summary, exercise, eat healthily and remove stress from your life. Also aim to reduce your alcohol intake and quit smoking. A few simple changes in lifestyle not only greatly reduces your chances of getting high blood pressure but also makes you more fit and feel good!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9098761

Man charges iPhone on train, arrested for stealing electricity

I really thought electricity was all the rage these days.

If you power your car by it, you're cool and saving the world.

Not everyone, though, seems to think you're cool if you charge your iPhone with it.

I am sizzling, you see, at the story of British artist Robin Lee. As the Standard reports, he was traveling on a fine British train in London and espied a power outlet.

As many an iPhone user will attest, these things can seem like a fine chilled sauvignon blanc before a hot English country house wedding.

Lee says that he got charged up and, when he got off the train, he was charged with stealing electricity. A person known as a police community support officer stood in his way and declared his alleged crime.

These PCSOs are civilians in uniform. Yes, just like Madonna on her finer days. Unlike Madonna, they do have some police powers, which was clearly a little unfortunate for Lee.

He told the Standard: "I was incredulous."

I know that several people will immediately sniff that the police community officer must have been an Android fan, merely enjoying some amusement.

However the British Transport Police told the Standard: "A 45-year-old man from Islington was arrested on suspicion of abstracting electricity, for which he was de-arrested shortly after."

Lee has, however, been arrested for "unacceptable behavior." This reportedly included trying to push past officers of the law.

I have contacted the British Transport Police to ask whether it is, indeed, illegal to charge your iPhone on a train. This is doubly important in the tourist season, when so many Americans come to England an admire how old everything is and take photographs of it. I will update, should I hear.

The Standard does mention that there are signs around the power outlets saying that they're for cleaners' use only. What curious signs those must be.

If it is the case that British train power outlets are for cleaners only, I am astonished that they aren't sponsored by Samsung.


A Pair Of Gigantic Sharks Attacked A Surfer On Live TV

A surfing competition in South Africa was canceled Sunday after pro surfer Mick Fanning almost, well, became shark brunch.

Luckily Manning wasn't harmed, though eyewitnesses say they did manage to bite his surfboard in half.

Mexican drug lord El Chapo escapes from prison...again!

Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” (Shorty) Guzman has just escaped from the ‘Islas Marias Federal Prison’, which is located in the island Maria Madre in Mexico. The Islas Marias Federal Prison has a history of multiple escapes and escape attempts with 76 escapes in the last 25 years.
The Escape is one of the most intense and bloodiest escapes in history with over 64 cartel members and prison guards dead. An estimated 130 Sinaloa cartel members attacked the Prison armed with firearms, mostly AK-47’s, and helped El Chapo escape with brute force in less than an hour. The cartel members killed an estimated 45 prison guards, while only 19 cartel members were killed in the prison battle. El Chapo was taken away in a helicopter reportedly flying southeast towards South America.
The Mexican government has ordered a massive search to find El Chapo and requested to send thousands of troops to help any South American country “El Chapo” is seen in. Authorities believe he is heading towards Columbia. The U.S. military has deployed troops to Mexico to fight alongside the Mexican army against The giant Sinaloa cartel and its allies.

Rapper 50 Cent files for bankruptcy

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fallout 4 Gameplay Showcases Exploration

Bethesda has released the gameplay video demonstrated during the Xbox E3 Briefing, which showcases some early exploration outside of Vault 111. It includes introductions to characters like Codsworth, Preston Garvey, and Dogmeat. Additionally, it gives us a glimpse of some V.A.T.S. gameplay in action, and reveals how the Power Armor changes your experience, and much more.
As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home.
Fallout 4 (24)
“We know what this game means to everyone,” said Game Director, Todd Howard. “The time and technology have allowed us to be more ambitious than ever. We’ve never been more excited about a game, and we can’t wait to share it.”
In an interview with Game Informer, Fallout 4 director Todd Howard, explains that Skyrim’s popularity and the sheer volume of player data in the game created challenges to troubleshooting bugs in the open world. In a recent interview with DigitalSpy, Howard talked about the size of Fallout 4 and loading screens for the new title, more of which can be found here.
Fallout 4 (25)
Fallout 4 will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on November 10, 2015. We will bring you any new information as soon as it becomes available.

How to Stop Stressing Over Your Family Vacation Destination

So you are packed and ready to go on your family vacation destination, but for some reason, you just can't seem to relax.

Do not waste what little time you have by letting yourself worry and get caught up with things going on at home, at work or trying to make sure that everyone is having a good time on the trip. If you are stressed out, other people will notice and it could affect them as well.

Here are some things that you can do to help chill out:

The first thing you need to do is disconnect! It seems at times that we cannot function without our handheld devices. But it's hard to sit back and enjoy your vacation when you are constantly checking and re-checking your phone for new calls, texts and emails. And don't let yourself get caught up on social media sites. If you spend too much time looking at what everyone else is doing, you could miss out on what's happening right in front of your eyes. So have your entire family unplug from technology, at least for a day.

While you are on vacation, allow yourself to sleep in! The kids are out of school and you don't have to go to work, so try not to set an alarm clock and watch those dark circles under your eyes - disappear. Aside from the physical side effects, you will find that with an extra hour or two of sleep, you will be less cranky throughout the day. So draw the shades and turn the clock so that you can't see the time - if you start your day in a rush, then you'll see to be in a hurry for the rest of the day.

Do less work! Find out if there is a company that will deliver groceries to your vacation home. If there is, then let them do the shopping for you. If that service is not available, then plan ahead and budget to eat out at various restaurants so that you are not spending majority of your time preparing meals for everyone.

Allow yourself to splurge and be pampered while on vacation. Spa treatments, like massage, are one of the best ways to relax. Experienced massage therapists are able to work on your tension spots and help release your stress. There are several massage companies who are willing to schedule an in-room session, so you can enjoy your treatment in privacy. If you are traveling with your significant other, try a couples massage.

Lastly, throw away the itinerary. Instead of treating each day of your vacation like a to-do list of activities and places to be, simply kick back and relax. Spend your time taking in the beautiful scenery or watch a movie on the couch with the family. Whatever you choose, remember that your only responsibility for the day is to have fun and not stress about anything.

This Marijuana Bill Introduced in the Senate Could Solve a Big Problem

Colorado Senators Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) and Cory Gardner (R-Colo.), and Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) introduced a bipartisan bill in the U.S. Senate that would essentially decriminalize the act of providing banking services to legal marijuana businesses and would protect banks from being penalized by the federal government.

Removing this major roadblock would certainly make like easier for existing marijuana businesses as it would broaden the transaction process (credit cards would likely be accepted at nearly all legal marijuana shops), and it would open up the field for existing marijuana business owners and prospective owners to get into the business by securing loans. Being able to draw down a line of credit could be important for growers, processors, and retailers when it comes to buying product ahead of time or expanding existing facilities (with state permission).It's also a boon for banks. After all, they would benefit from the interest on outstanding loans to the marijuana industry, which I would presume would come with a much higher lending rate than to traditional businesses due to the risk associated with it.

La creatura piĆ¹ brutta del mondo

E' il Blobfish, o pesce blob, o psychrolutes marcidus, l'animale piĆ¹ brutto del mondo. ƈ stato eletto al festival della scienza di Newcastle. La campagna ĆØ stata lanciata per alzare l'attenzione sugli animali in via di estinzione e piĆ¹ brutti. Con 200 specie che vengono uccise ogni giorno, gli animali piĆ¹ brutti devono avere maggiore protezione. Dall'aspetto gelatinoso e lo sguardo burbero, vive nei mari piĆ¹ profondi ma non viene avvistato e rischia di essere trascinato da imbarcazioni. 
Il Blobfish si ĆØ aggiudicato il primo posto rispetto a:

Security forces in Saudi Arabia arrests suspected members of the Islamic State militant group

They are accused of plotting suicide attacks on security forces and mosques in various parts of the country.
Most of the suspects are Saudi citizens, but they also include people from six nationalities, including Yemen and Syria, the interior ministry said.
Saudi Arabia is part of a US-led coalition carrying out air strikes against IS militants in Syria and Iraq.
In its statement, the interior ministry said the suspects were planning suicide operations targeting mosques "on every Friday timed with assassinations of security men" in the east.
"Terrorist plots to target a diplomatic mission, security and government facilities" the southern province of Sharurah were also thwarted, the ministry added.
In April, Saudi authorities said they had arrested 93 IS suspects and foiled planned attacks on targets including the US embassy in Riyadh.

6 Pool Safety Questions You Need Answered Before You Dive In

What's Swimmer's Ear Anyway?
This condition can refer to inflammation or infection of either the outer ear or the outer ear canal  most often, it is simply an infection caused by swimming in contaminated water. Many bacteria, such as pseudomonas, can lead to an ear infection and are prevalent in water.As with any bacterial infection, oral antibiotics are the most common form of treatment. If the swimmer's ear is an inflammation or irritation rather than an infection, corticosteroids are the most common treatment, according to the NLM. Aside from steering clear of polluted water, you can avoid swimmer's ear by using earplugs, thoroughly drying your ears after a swim or even applying an alcohol-vinegar solution to the ears after a swim to prevent bacterial growth.
  •  Will I Really Cramp After Eating?
  • However, according to a 2011 study in the journal Medicine, Science and the Law, those who swim on a full stomach really do have a higher drowning risk. Researcher's from Tokyo Women's Medical University looked at data from 536 autopsies between April 2000 and December 2007. They split the autopsies into two categories: those in which solid food was visible in the stomach (a sign that a person had eaten recently) and those without any solid food. Among the 34 cases in which the deceased showed signs of having eaten recently, 79 percent had died of accidental drowning. What's more, it went both ways: nearly 80 percent of those who drowned accidentally had visible food residues in the stomach.These researchers theorized that the blood flow to the stomach following eating, in combination with the swim, caused light-headedness that made some people lose consciousness.
  •  Is It That Bad To Pee In The Pool?
  • Yes. While holding it until you find a toilet seems like a pretty basic courtesy, surveys consistently show that more of us are relieving ourselves in the pool. How can you tell if urine is present? You don't need a special forensics team. According to Hlavsa, if the pool has a strong chemical smell, that's chloramine -- not chlorine. "A healthy pool doesn't smell," she said.
  • Why Are My Eyes Irritated?
  • If you're in a pool, you may be having a bout of "chemical conjunctivitis" -- a type of irritation caused by the chemicals used in many pools to keep things sanitized. You may be grateful for the dose of chlorine in the local watering hole (see previous slide), but it can also lead to irritation if administered with a heavy hand.
  • Can I Get Burned If I'm Underwater?
  • You absolutely can. "Sun rays penetrate the water surface, so it's really important to wear a long-lasting waterproof sunblock
  • What Do I Watch Out For?
  • 1. Look at the water before you jump in. Pool water should be clear, not cloudy or foamy which are signs of potentially unhealthy bacteria.
    2. Stay Squeaky Clean. Always shower and wash your hands before and after going in the pool. This prevents you from contaminating the water and from getting any unwanted diseases. Keep your mouth closed as well, so you do not swallow water by accident.
    3. Check Chlorine Levels. Follow the CDC's chlorinating guidelines to make sure that the pH level is adequate. pH level should be tested once a day in your own pool and at least once every three hours in public pools.

Mini Ice Age to hit Earth by 2030

Scientists say Earth may plunge into a “mini ice age” in 15 years or so because of irregularities in the sun’s “11-year heartbeat.” 
A new model of the Sun’s solar cycle that is behind the prediction is extremely accurate, according to the report published in Science Daily.
The model shows solar activity “will fall by 60 percent during the 2030s,” creating freezing conditions not seen since 1645.
The scientists warning about the mini ice age say their methodology, which uses mathematical models to predict solar activity, has resulted in “an accuracy of 97 percent” in past predictions.
This latest warning is not entirely new.

South Africa train crash: 300 injured

About 300 people have been injured in a collision between two trains in Johannesburg.An ER paramedic said there were serious injuries but no fatalities. The cause of the crash was unclear

WILDFIRE on packed california freeway

A wildfire on friday in the Southern California foothills had reached a packed freeway.
The outcome was four structures burning and  the torching 20 of vehicles.
Thankfully there were no injuries reported.

Hello everyone, i'm starting this new blog!
I'm planning on posting wordwide interesting news  about EVERYTHING, DAILY. Also may have something else planned for the future.
I'll be posting new,funny,interesting and quality content of all over the world.
Keep tuned.