Daily News Center

Saturday, July 18, 2015

6 Pool Safety Questions You Need Answered Before You Dive In

What's Swimmer's Ear Anyway?
This condition can refer to inflammation or infection of either the outer ear or the outer ear canal  most often, it is simply an infection caused by swimming in contaminated water. Many bacteria, such as pseudomonas, can lead to an ear infection and are prevalent in water.As with any bacterial infection, oral antibiotics are the most common form of treatment. If the swimmer's ear is an inflammation or irritation rather than an infection, corticosteroids are the most common treatment, according to the NLM. Aside from steering clear of polluted water, you can avoid swimmer's ear by using earplugs, thoroughly drying your ears after a swim or even applying an alcohol-vinegar solution to the ears after a swim to prevent bacterial growth.
  •  Will I Really Cramp After Eating?
  • However, according to a 2011 study in the journal Medicine, Science and the Law, those who swim on a full stomach really do have a higher drowning risk. Researcher's from Tokyo Women's Medical University looked at data from 536 autopsies between April 2000 and December 2007. They split the autopsies into two categories: those in which solid food was visible in the stomach (a sign that a person had eaten recently) and those without any solid food. Among the 34 cases in which the deceased showed signs of having eaten recently, 79 percent had died of accidental drowning. What's more, it went both ways: nearly 80 percent of those who drowned accidentally had visible food residues in the stomach.These researchers theorized that the blood flow to the stomach following eating, in combination with the swim, caused light-headedness that made some people lose consciousness.
  •  Is It That Bad To Pee In The Pool?
  • Yes. While holding it until you find a toilet seems like a pretty basic courtesy, surveys consistently show that more of us are relieving ourselves in the pool. How can you tell if urine is present? You don't need a special forensics team. According to Hlavsa, if the pool has a strong chemical smell, that's chloramine -- not chlorine. "A healthy pool doesn't smell," she said.
  • Why Are My Eyes Irritated?
  • If you're in a pool, you may be having a bout of "chemical conjunctivitis" -- a type of irritation caused by the chemicals used in many pools to keep things sanitized. You may be grateful for the dose of chlorine in the local watering hole (see previous slide), but it can also lead to irritation if administered with a heavy hand.
  • Can I Get Burned If I'm Underwater?
  • You absolutely can. "Sun rays penetrate the water surface, so it's really important to wear a long-lasting waterproof sunblock
  • What Do I Watch Out For?
  • 1. Look at the water before you jump in. Pool water should be clear, not cloudy or foamy which are signs of potentially unhealthy bacteria.
    2. Stay Squeaky Clean. Always shower and wash your hands before and after going in the pool. This prevents you from contaminating the water and from getting any unwanted diseases. Keep your mouth closed as well, so you do not swallow water by accident.
    3. Check Chlorine Levels. Follow the CDC's chlorinating guidelines to make sure that the pH level is adequate. pH level should be tested once a day in your own pool and at least once every three hours in public pools.

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